
Demersal fish biomass is quantitatively evaluated in the bottom biotopes at the depths to 2000 m at the continental slope of the Okhotsk Sea on the data of 2,545 trawl catches obtained in 1977–2010. The total long-term average biomass is estimated as 3695.9 . 103 t, including 31.6 % of walleye pollock, 19.5 % of giant grenadier, and 13.8 % of greenland halibut (2400.9 . 103 t without pollock). The average density of fish concentration is 3.2 t/km2 without pollock; it is rather uniform by depth: from 2.6 t/km2 for 200–300 m to 3.7 t/km2 for 700–1000 m.


  • Demersal fish biomass is quantitatively evaluated in the bottom biotopes at the depths to 2000 m at the continental slope of the Okhotsk Sea on the data of 2,545 trawl catches obtained in 1977–2010

  • The average density of fish concentration is 3.2 t/km[2] without pollock; it is rather uniform by depth: from 2.6 t/km[2] for 200–300 m to 3.7 t/km[2] for 700–1000 m

  • Распределение и запасы рыб на материковом склоне Охотского моря и Курильских островов летом 1989 года // Вопр

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20 Желтоперая камбала Limanda aspera

Таблица 2 Ранжирование по биомассе 20 видов рыб в донных и придонных биотопах свала глубин в прикамчатских водах (районы 7 и 8) Table 2. Ranking of 20 mass demersal fish species by their biomass in the bottom biotopes at the continental slope of Kamchatka in the eastern Okhotsk Sea (biostatistical areas 7, 8)

20 Ликод Танаки Lycodes tanakae
20 Длинноперый шипощек Sebastolobus macrochir
Северный одноперый терпуг Pleurogrammus monopterygius
12 Чешуйчатый аллолепис Bothrocara hollandi
20 Северная палтусовидная камбала
18 Звездчатая камбала Platichthys stellatus
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