
The propagation of energy along the waveguide axis cannot be described in terms of geometrical acoustics because of the presence of cusped caustics repeatedly along the axis. In neighborhoods of these cusped caustics a very complicated interference pattern is observed. Neighborhoods of interference grow with range and at long ranges they overlap. For an arbitrary range-independent ocean, it was shown in [N. S. Grigorieva and G. M. Fridman, J. Comp. Acoust. 12, 127–147 (2004)] that the interference of wave fields corresponding to near-axial rays results in a diffractive (as opposed to geometrical acoustics) component of the field which can be viewed as distinct, ‘‘axial’’ wave and effectively calculated using its integral representation. In this paper the integral representations of the axial wave in the frequency and time domains are obtained for a range-dependent ocean. In the frequency domain this representation has the form of a linear superposition of the solutions of the Helmholtz equation that are concentrated in a neighborhood of the sound-channel axis. The weight function is selected in such a way that the localization principle holds. The axial wave is simulated for a deterministic model of a range-dependent ocean corresponding to AET experiment. [Work supported by ONR Global.]

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