
The joint spectral radius of a set of matrices is the maximal growth rate that can be obtained by forming long products of matrices taken in the set. This quantity and its minimal growth counterpart, the joint spectral subradius , have proved useful for studying several problems from combinatorics and number theory. For instance, they characterise the growth of certain classes of languages, the capacity of forbidden difference constraints on languages, and the trackability of sensor networks. In Section 11.2 we describe some of these applications. While the joint spectral radius and related notions have applications in combinatorics and number theory, these disciplines have in turn been helpful to improve our understanding of problems related to the joint spectral radius. As an example, we present in Section 11.3 a central result that has been proved with the help of techniques from combinatorics on words: the falseness of the finiteness conjecture. In practice, computing a joint spectral radius is not an easy task. As we will see, this quantity is NP-hard to approximate in general, and the simple question of knowing, given a set of matrices, if its joint spectral radius is larger than one is even algorithmically undecidable. However, in recent years, approximation algorithms have been proposed that perform well in practice. Some of these algorithms run in exponential time while others provide no accuracy guarantee. In practice, by combining the advantages of the different algorithms, it is often possible to obtain satisfactory estimates.

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