
We study the random geometry of first passage percolation on the complete graph equipped with independent and identically distributed positive edge weights. We consider the case where the lower extreme values of the edge weights are highly separated. This model exhibits strong disorder and a crossover between local and global scales. Local neighborhoods are related to invasion percolation that display self-organised criticality. Globally, the edges with relevant edge weights form a barely supercritical Erdős–Rényi random graph that can be described by branching processes. This near-critical behaviour gives rise to optimal paths that are considerably longer than logarithmic in the number of vertices, interpolating between random graph and minimal spanning tree path lengths. Crucial to our approach is the quantification of the extreme-value behavior of small edge weights in terms of a sequence of parameters (s_n)_{nge 1} that characterises the different universality classes for first passage percolation on the complete graph. We investigate the case where s_nrightarrow infty with s_n=o(n^{1/3}), which corresponds to the barely supercritical setting. We identify the scaling limit of the weight of the optimal path between two vertices, and we prove that the number of edges in this path obeys a central limit theorem with mean approximately s_nlog {(n/s_n^3)} and variance s_n^2log {(n/s_n^3)}. Remarkably, our proof also applies to n-dependent edge weights of the form E^{s_n}, where E is an exponential random variable with mean 1, thus settling a conjecture of Bhamidi et al. (Weak disorder asymptotics in the stochastic meanfield model of distance. Ann Appl Probab 22(1):29–69, 2012). The proof relies on a decomposition of the smallest-weight tree into an initial part following invasion percolation dynamics, and a main part following branching process dynamics. The initial part has been studied in Eckhoff et al. (Long paths in first passage percolation on the complete graph I. Local PWIT dynamics. Electron. J. Probab. 25:1–45, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1214/20-EJP484); the current paper focuses on the global branching dynamics.


  • In this paper, we study first passage percolation on the complete graph equipped with independent and identically distributed positive and continuous edge weights

  • We study the random geometry of first passage percolation on the complete graph equipped with independent and identically distributed positive edge weights

  • These eight cases are defined by how fast sn → 0, the case where sn converges to a positive and finite constant, and by how sn → ∞

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Model and Summary of Results

We study first passage percolation on the complete graph equipped with independent and identically distributed positive and continuous edge weights. The cost regime introduced in (1.1) uses the information from all edges along the path and is known as the weak disorder regime. We establish a firm connection between the weak and strong disorder regimes in first passage percolation This connection establishes a strong relation to invasion percolation (IP) on the Poisson-weighted infinite tree (PWIT), which is the local limit of IP on the complete graph, and arises in the context of the minimal spanning tree on the complete graph For random variables (Xn)n, X , we write Xn −→ d X , Xn −→ P X and Xn −a→ .s. X to denote convergence in distribution, in probability and almost surely, respectively. For a brief overview of notation particular to this paper, see p. 81

First Passage Percolation with Regularly-Varying Edge Weights
First Passage Percolation with n-Dependent Edge Weights
The Universal Picture
Description of the Class of Edge Weights to Which Our Results Apply
The Universality Class in Terms of sn
First Passage Percolation on Random Graphs
Extremal Functionals for FPP on the Complete Graph
One-Source Exploration Process
Two-Source Exploration Process
Coupling FPP on Kn to FPP on the Poisson-Weighted Infinite Tree
Order Statistics of Exponentials and Poisson Processes
The Poisson-Weighted Infinite Tree
Coupling One-Source Exploration to the PWIT
Coupling Two-Source Exploration to the PWIT
FPP on the PWIT as a CTBP
CTBP Growth and the Need for Freezing
Frozen FPP Exploration Process
FPP Exploration Process from Two Sources with Freezing and Collisions
Coupling FPP on Kn from Two Sources to a CTBP
The Final Coupling Including Freezing
A Cox Process for the Collisions
The Collision Edge and Its Properties
Thinning and Completion of the Proof
Scaling Properties of fn and n
Growth and Density Bounds for fn and n
Analysis of Specific Edge-Weight Distributions
Equivalence of Conditions
Coupling Kn and the PWIT
Exploration Processes and the Definition of the Coupling
Minimal-Rule Exploration Processes
FPP and the Two Smallest-Weight Trees
B and S as Exploration Processes
Coupling and Cox Processes
Branching Processes and Random Walks
Continuous-Time Branching Processes and Random Walks
Random Walk Convergence
Convergence of Random Walks
Means of One-Vertex Characteristics
Continuous-Time Branching Processes
Truncated Two-Vertex Characteristic
The Effect of Truncation
First Points of Cox Processes
Convergence of First Point of Cox Processes
Moment Estimates and the Cluster After Unfreezing
A First Moment Estimate
Second Moment Estimates
No Collisions from the Frozen Cluster
Properties of the Freezing Time and Frozen Cluster
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