
The Higgs mode corresponds to the collective motion of particles due to the vibrations of an invisible field. It plays a fundamental role in our understanding of both low- and high-energy physics, giving elementary particles their mass and leading to collective modes in condensed-matter and nuclear systems. The Higgs mode has been observed in a limited number of table-top systems, where it however is characterized by a short lifetime due to decay into a continuum of modes. A major goal which has remained elusive so far is, therefore, to realize a long-lived Higgs mode in a controllable system. Here, we show how an undamped Higgs mode can be observed unambiguously in a Fermi gas in a two-dimensional trap, close to a quantum phase transition between a normal and a superfluid phase. We develop a first-principles theory of the pairing and the associated collective modes, which is quantitatively reliable when the pairing energy is much smaller than the trap level spacing, yet simple enough to allow the derivation of analytical results. The theory includes the trapping potential exactly, which is demonstrated to stabilize the Higgs mode by making its decay channels discrete. It is shown to be realistic to realize the proposed system using atoms in microtraps. The unrivaled flexibility of atomic gases combined with the quantitatively accurate theory opens the door to a systematic study of the Higgs mode, including the role of confinement and finite-size effects.

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