
Using high-level abinitio quantum theory we suggest an optically induced subpicosecond spin-transfer scenario over 4.428nm, a distance which is directly comparable to the actual CMOS scale. The spin-density transfer takes place between two Ni atoms and over a 40-atom-long zigzag carbon chain. The suitable combination of the local symmetries of the participating carbon atoms and the global symmetry of the whole molecule gives rise to what we term the dynamical Goodenough-Kanamori rules, allowing the long-range coupling of the two Ni atoms. We also present local spin-flip scenarios, and compare spin flip and spin transfer with respect to their sensitivity against an external static magnetic gradient. Finally, we use two identical laser pulses, rather than a single one, which allows us to accurately control local (intrasite) vs global (intersite) processes, and we thus solve the problem of embedding individually addressable molecular nanologic elements in an integrated nanospintronic circuit. Our results underline the great potential of carbon chain systems as building and supporting blocks for designing future all-optical magnetic processing units.

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