
Relative abundances of skeletal elements at Plio-Pleistocene archaeological sites have long been interpreted to represent selective transport of portions of large prey. Models from optimal foraging theory suggest that the degree of carcass transport selectivity reflects transport constraints, particularly transport distance. A quantitative analysis of skeletal element abundances in five bone assemblages from Bed I, Olduvai Gorge, indicates that within the subset of elements most likely to resist attritional processes, there is no evidence for preferential transport of small or large mammals. The results suggest relatively low carcass transport costs and are most consistent with site formation models favoring short-distance carcass transport. The data are also consistent with the possibility that hominins were not responsible for transporting bones at some sites. Several Bed I assemblages, with the exception of FLK- Zinjanthropus, lack evidence of a functional relationship between flaked stone artifacts and the faunal remains, such as cut-marks or percussion-marks on bone. In conjunction with the skeletal part data, this suggests that hominin involvement with the bone assemblages was minimal at all sites but FLK- Zinjanthropus. The patterning at Bed I contrasts strongly with Middle Stone Age and Middle Paleolithic assemblages, which provide clear evidence for selective transport, suggesting higher transport costs and longer transport distances.

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