
The New International Sunspot Numbers (NISNs) have been successfully compiled and can be downloaded from the World Data Center-Sunspot index and Long-term Solar Observations, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels. The periods in these NISNs have been studied by using the Lomb–Scargle periodogram. The results show that the international sunspot numbers have a lot of periods. Of the various periods, the most outstanding period around 11 year is 10.108 year after removing the 10.862 year signal from the time series of sunspot numbers, while the periods of 11.988 year, 7.990 year, 9.612 year, 5.445 year, 8.915 year, 5.792 year are also found with the period of 5.445 year being stronger than those of 5.792 year and 8.915 year. However, the period of 5.445 year is still much weaker than the period of 10.862 year. It is evident that the periods around 11 year and 5.5 year in the revised international sunspot numbers obtained by using the Lomb–Scargle periodogram method is somewhat different from the ones in previous studies.

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