
A new species of Terebellidae,Loimia ramzegasp. nov., has been identified from North Brittany beaches (English Channel). This new species is characterized by its gigantic size (max 650 mm, live), two pairs of lateral lappets on segments 1 and 3; first pair more ventral, second pair more developed and lateral but oblique, with wavy edge. Nine ventral pads from segment 2 (fused on segments 2 and 3), first three pads swollen, next ones subsequently decreasing in size. Three types of notochaetae, asymmetrically bilimbate, symmetrically bilimbate and capillary. Uncini pectinate with 6 teeth (some with 5 teeth) slightly decreasing in size, in one vertical row. Pygidium with about 14 long conical marginal papillae surrounding anus.

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