
The purpose of the article is to show the features and importance of the logoepistemas representing the image of England in the novel by Leo Tolstoy «Anna Karenina». Such logoepistemas are made up of phrases with the component «English». They are «English horse» and «English carriage». The analysis is carried out in the linguoimagological aspect. The linguoimagological aspect implies, first of all, an assessment of the image of England and its verbalization. The subject of this review is the verbalization of England’s image in the novel by Leo Tolstoy «Anna Karenina». This article analyzes one of the verbalization aspect— logoepistemas. The level of precedence of the considered logoepistemas is also determined. The object of study is the image of England in the specified novel. The key research methods are the descriptive method and the method of linguoimagological interpretation of the text. Using the latter method, the relationships between the word meaning and the realities of the period under study are revealed, historical changes in the meaning of words and the dynamics of these changes are traced. Fundamental features of this method are the assessment and characterization of vocabulary and the personality of the text’s author. The results of the work may be used in the process of philological research, during the educational process in the course of English and lexicology, linguistic studies, linguistic cultural studies, intercultural communication, linguoimagology. Logoepistemas of English origin in the novel by Leo Tolstoy «Anna Karenina» «English horse», «English carriage» testify about the accumulated knowledge of English culture’s facts and realities by the author of the novel, as well as by the heroes of the novel. This may prove similar knowledge by the contemporaries of the author. The appeal to such facts and realities and their borrowing serve as an argument in favor England’s image significance for the Russian language and culture of the second half of the 19th century.

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