
For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version).ABSTRACT Transportation of perishable goods across the territory of the Russian Federation faces considerable difficulties, including regular transformation of economic conditions. The main problem in this issue is to determine the degree of significance of the criteria of logistical processes associated with the delivery of perishable goods. The article presents the main parameters of logistical transport processes in the delivery of ordinary and perishable goods, their comparative assessment was carried out. On the example of analysis of cargo flows in the port of Vladivostok, time intervals of increased demand for logistics services were revealed. Optimal schemes of interaction of various modes of transport in the service of perishable goods are determined. Keywords: logistics, perishable cargoes, parameters of transport processes, seasonality, refrigerated container, Cool Chain delivery technology. REFERENCES 1.Baginova, V.V., Rahmangulov, A. N. Adaptive System of Freight Traffic Operation.World of Transport and Transportation, Vol.9, 2011, Iss.3, pp.132-138. 2.Baginova, V.V., Rahmangulov, A.N., Osintsev, N. A.Operation Control of Railcar Flows at Non-Public Railtrack.World of Transport and Transportation, Vol.8, 2010, Iss.3, pp.108-113. 3.Vakulenko, S.P., Sychev, E.I.et al.Railway stations and nodes (tasks, examples, calculations) [Zheleznodorozhnye stancii i uzly (zadachi, primery, raschety)].Moscow, Marshrut publ., 2005, 501 p. 4.Lapidus, B. M. Railway business: how to take the main path [Zheleznodorozhnyj biznes: kak vstat’ na glavnyj put’].Ed.3rd, add.and rev.Moscow, Intekst, 2012, 384 p. 5.Mirotin, L. B. Basics of Logistics: A Textbook [Osnovy logistiki: Uchebnik].Moscow, Academia, 2014, 192 p. 6.Ushakov, D. V. Factors of formation of freight rates in world shipping [Faktory formirovanija frahtovoj stavki v mirovom sudohodstve].Morskoj flot, 1993, Iss.7/8, pp.28-30. 7.Gladyshev, N.I., Ushakov, D. V. Intermodal transportation of refrigerated cargoes [Intermodal’nye perevozki refrizheratornyh gruzov].Holodil’nyj biznes, 2010, Iss.7, pp.14-18. 8.Ushakov D. V. By sea or by rail (Perspectives of transportation of Chinese-Russian refuges) [Morem ili po zheleznoj doroge (Perspektivy perevozok refgruzov Kitaj- Rossija)].Morozhenoe i zamorozhennye produkty,2008, Iss.1, pp.17-20. 9.Lisin, A. A. Logistics approaches to supply management of non-metallic building materials in river ports [Logisticheskie podhody k upravleniju postavkoj nerudnyh stroitel’nyh materialov v rechnyh portah].Vestnik Volzhskoj gosudarstvennoj akademii vodnogo transporta, 2016, Iss.46, pp.15-20. 10.Gadzhinsky, A. M. Logistics: A Textbook [Logistika: Uchebnik].Moscow, Dashkov i Ko, 2013, 420 p.

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