
Abstract : Performance-based logistics (PBL) is the DoD-preferred approach for implementing product support. PBL is a strategy for weapon system product support that employs the purchase of support as an integrated performance package designed to bring increased levels of system readiness. PBL describes performance goals for weapon system readiness and encourages the creation of incentives for attaining those goals through clear lines of authority and responsibility. PBL delineates outcome performance goals of weapon systems, ensures that responsibilities are assigned and provides incentives for attaining those goals for the overall life-cycle management of system reliability, supportability, and total ownership cost. Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USDAT&L) assigned the Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics Plans and Programs) the responsibility to provide oversight or the implementation of PBL within DoD. In September 2001, the Quadrennial Defense Review mandated implementation of PBL and modern business systems with appropriate metrics to compress the supply chain, eliminate steps that were non-value-added steps, and improve readiness for major weapon systems. In Department of Defense Inspector General Report No. D-2004-110, The Military Implementation of Performance-Based Logistics in Support of Weapon Systems, August 23, 2004, we reported that the Military Departments had 257 systems, sub-systems, or components reported as having implemented PBL.

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