
For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version).ABSTRACT Justifying the terms of interaction of participants in the process of cargo transportation, the author considers measures of national and local character for increasing the efficiency of transport and logistics centers (TLC). Particular emphasis is placed on information systems, the role of which is defined as the main one, and their participation in the work of TLC - as decisive in the implementation of management actions in servicing clients-customers of railway services. Functions of information support of logistic activity are shown. Keywords: transport, logistics, TLC, information technologies, navigation systems, cargo transportation, supply chain management. REFERENCES 1.Shabarova, E. V. Concepts and prerequisites for formation of transport and logistics centers in Western Europe [Koncepcii i predposylki formirovanija transportno-logisticheskih centrov v Zapadnoj Evrope].Visnik Shidnoukraїns’kogo nacional’nogo universitetu imeni Volodimira Dalja, Lugansk, 2010, Iss.2, pp.222-253. 2.Sinitsyna, A.S., Ivlieva, K. V. Performance Optimization of Terminal and Warehouse Complex of JSC Russian Railways in the Use of Information and Automated Systems [Optimizacija dejatel’nosti terminal’no-skladskogo kompleksa OAO «RZhD» v uslovijah ispol’zovanija informacionnyh i avtomatizirovannyh system].Logistics - Eurasian Bridge: Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference.Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Part 1.Krasnoyarsk, 2016.[Electronic resource]: http://sitebs.ru/blogs/28916.html.Last accessed 12.07.2016. 3.Sinitsyna, A.S., Konareva, N. A. Technological processes of terminal-warehouse cargo handling in the conditions of automation [Tehnologicheskie processy terminal’no-skladskoj obrabotki gruzov v uslovijah avtomatizacii].Integrirovannaja logistika, 2016, Iss.3, pp.11-18.

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