
The paper deals with the problem of interrelation between two research programs — logic and jurisprudence — from antiquity to the present. Traditional logic has created and developed the Great Triad “Concept — Judgment — Inference” that has become an educational and methodological canon of humanitarian knowledge and education in general and legal knowledge and legal education in particular. The doctrine of the concept, the doctrine of judgment, the doctrine of inference (more precisely, the doctrine of proof) are essentially used in legal proceedings, law-making, and law enforcement. The author resorts to modern achievements of the theory and technology of scientific knowledge as a research methodology. Logical knowledge itself appears in the form of methodology. Under this approach, any science, both natural and humanitarian, necessarily defines its conceptual corpus. Any science, creating its own description of the subject area, uses theoretical provisions in the form of a set of theses and arguments expressed by judgments. Any science substantiates its vision of the world using a system of evidence. All these properties are subject to and correspond to the subject of logics taught in every law school in the context of legal logics or logics for lawyers. The place of logic in the framework of legal education is considered as a hierarchy of problems of the relation between the phenomena of “the logical” and “the legal” within the framework of the world-historical process, the relation between the phenomena of “the logical” and “the legal” within the framework of domestic history and domestic education system before 1917, i.e., before the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the Soviet power, the relation between the phenomena of “the legal” and “the logical” in Soviet and post-Soviet history, creation of an education system, including legal education, in our country and the development of the logical science and logical education at Kutafin Moscow State Law University. The uniqueness of the study is associated with the use of the Transcript of the All-Soviet Meeting of Logic Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions held on June 21–26, 1948 in Moscow discovered and introduced into scientific circulation by the author of the paper. The result of the study proves the special importance of logic for lawyers as a reliable tool in situations of lawmaking, law enforcement and interpretation of legal norms.


  • Traditional logic has created and developed the Great Triad “Concept — Judgment — Inference” that has become an educational and methodological canon of humanitarian knowledge and education in general, and legal knowledge and education in particular

  • The All-Union Conference on Logic was an important event in Russian history; the text of the Conference Transcript constitutes a precedent document of the era of the formation of Russian science and national education during the Soviet period; the preservation, discovery and publication of the text of this precedent document is the merit of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

  • The following circumstances should be noted: by the 90th Anniversary of Kutafin Moscow State Law University, the Department of Philosophy and Sociology has preserved the traditions of teaching logic laid down in Soviet times, and raised them to a new, modern level of teaching, i.e., using new textbooks and new digital techniques

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Traditional logic has created and developed the Great Triad “Concept — Judgment — Inference” that has become an educational and methodological canon of humanitarian knowledge and education in general, and legal knowledge and education in particular. In universities is aimed at acquainting a wide range of students with this science, and at training logic teachers for secondary schools On this basis, about two years ago, the Ministry initiated courses for teachers of logic, and in 1947/1948 the expired academic year, special departments of logic and psychology were created in 16 universities and 15 pedagogical institutes. Some teachers of logic in higher educational institutions and authors of books and textbooks on the logic of the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (bolshevics) on ideological work and the resolution of the Central Committee of the AKP (bolshevics) on the introduction of teaching logic have not yet found a sufficiently complete reflection. The closure of the Department of Dialectical Logic at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University in 1968 that existed for only three years and did not create any notorious science became a symbol of its inglorious end. This is the main thing, logics was still not acknowledged as a bourgeois science

Logical Science and Logical Education at Kutafin Moscow State Law University
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