
We construct a Hennings type logarithmic invariant for restricted quantum $\mathfrak{sl}(2)$ at a $2\mathsf{p}$-th root of unity. This quantum group $U$ is not braided, but factorizable. The invariant is defined for a pair: a 3-manifold $M$ and a colored link $L$ inside $M$. The link $L$ is split into two parts colored by central elements and by trace classes, or elements in the $0^{\text{th}}$ Hochschild homology of $U$, respectively. The two main ingredients of our construction are the universal invariant of a string link with values in tensor powers of $U$, and the modified trace introduced by the third author with his collaborators and computed on tensor powers of the regular representation. Our invariant is a colored extension of the logarithmic invariant constructed by Jun Murakami.

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