
The Blaschke products form an important subclass of analytic functions on the unit disc with bounded Nevanlinna characteristic and also are meromorphic functions on $\mathbb{C}$ except for the accumulation points of zeros $B(z)$. Asymptotics and estimates of the logarithmic derivative of meromorphic functions play an important role in various fields of mathematics. In particular, such problems in Nevanlinna's theory of value distribution were studied by Goldberg A.A., Korenkov N.E., Hayman W.K., Miles J. and in the analytic theory of differential equations -- by Chyzhykov I.E., Strelitz Sh.I. Let $z_0=1$ be the only boundary point of zeros $(a_n)$ %=1-r_ne^{i\psi_n},$ $-\pi/2+\eta<\psi_n<\pi/2-\eta,$ $r_n\to0+$ as $n\to+\infty,$ of the Blaschke product $B(z);$ $\Gamma_m=\bigcup\limits_{j=1}^{m}\{z:|z|<1,\mathop{\text{arg}}(1-z)=-\theta_j\}=\bigcup\limits_{j=1}^{m}l_{\theta_j},$ $-\pi/2+\eta<\theta_1<\theta_2<\ldots<\theta_m<\pi/2-\eta,$ be a finite system of rays, $0<\eta<1$; $\upsilon(t)$ be continuous on $[0,1)$, $\upsilon(0)=0$, slowly increasing at the point 1 function, that is $\upsilon(t)\sim\upsilon\left({(1+t)}/2\right),$ $t\to1-;$ $n(t,\theta_j;B)$ be a number of zeros $a_n=1-r_ne^{i\theta_j}$ of the product $B(z)$ on the ray $l_{\theta_j}$ such that $1-r_n\leq t,$ $0<t<1.$ We found asymptotics of the logarithmic derivative of $B(z)$ as $z=1-re^{-i\varphi}\to1,$ $-\pi/2<\varphi<\pi/2,$ $\varphi\neq\theta_j,$ under the condition that zeros of $B(z)$ lay on $\Gamma_m$ and $n(t,\theta_j;B)\sim \Delta_j\upsilon(t),$ $t\to1-,$ for all $j=\overline{1,m},$ $0\leq\Delta_j<+\infty.$ We also considered the inverse problem for such $B(z).$

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