
The Bakken Formation is a geographically extensive, organic-rich, tight formation in the Williston Basin and currently serves as the second largest producer of oil in the USA. With respect to stratigraphy, the Devonian–Mississippian-age Bakken Formation typically comprises three members: the Upper (UB), Middle (MB), and Lower Bakken (LB). Lithologically, the upper and lower members of the Bakken are dominated by shales rich in organic-carbon, which act as the source rock for oil reservoirs in the Middle Bakken. The lithology of the Middle Bakken varies widely from siliciclastic to carbonates, with multiple distinct lithofacies typically being identified in the North Dakota portion of the Williston Basin. Good knowledge of the rock properties of the various Bakken members and lithofacies are a key component of their production potential.This study is a continuation of earlier rock physics modelling, which was done at core scale. Data from one well in Mountrail County was used for estimation of rock stiffness and velocities. Rock physics models were developed at log scale to obtain knowledge of formations' elastic properties across the Bakken members, as a function of porosity and pores' fluid type and geometry. Furthermore, the effect of frequency on fluid mixing type was investigated using both homogeneous and patchy models, then fluids were incorporated into the inclusion system using K-T, DEM, or Gassmann's equations. Kerogen was added to the system as a part of the inclusion in a way that fluid was embedded into the organic-matter. Critical porosity of 30% was also applied during DEM modeling to investigate the effects of kerogen being the load-bearing and rock matrix being suspended into it for case of high kerogen content in thermally immature source-rocks. The UB and LB shales, due to the presence of clay minerals, showed lower properties than MB and composed mainly of microfracture pores. Furthermore, the conversion of kerogen into hydrocarbons lowers the overall rock properties of the Bakken shales. The MB siliciclastic intervals showed to have more of intraparticle pores (primary porosity) with stiffer properties, whereas carbonate zones exhibited fracturing (secondary porosity). The rock physics models at macro and log scale complement each other and present a full picture of formations' elastic properties. The estimated stiffness and velocity properties are valuable input data for the development of and production from future wells.

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