
AbstractA key component of a blockchain system is the consensus protocol, which directly affects the reliability and performance of blockchain systems. There are lots of blockchain consensus protocols. Proof of Authority (PoA) is a popular consensus protocol, and it has been embedded in many blockchain systems. However, PoA protocol cannot satisfy high transaction throughput, low transaction latency, and low forking rate at the same time, and can only take parts of them. This contradiction limits the practical application of PoA and needs to be resolved. Facing the challenges, in this paper, we present LPoA (Lock-based Proof of Authority), a new improved PoA consensus protocol. The experimental results show that LPoA delivers around 3x throughput, 1/3 transaction latency, and almost 0 forking rate over PoA under the same transactions.KeywordsBlockchainConsensusProof of authorityPerformanceThroughput

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