
I. Introduction The original of this paper forms part of a Ph.D. thesis accepted by the University of Glasgow, and available for reference in the University Library. With the consent of the author, who went abroad in 1933, the text was recast by Dr. E. B. Bailey for publication, and the illustrations redrawn by Dr. W. J. McCallien. In the meantime, Dr. G. L. Elles in 1935 published a paper dealing further with south Tayvallich, and the island of Danna. Although the present paper was read to the Society by Dr. Bailey in 1936, publication was held over until the author could revisit and re-examine the Tayvallich and Danna exposures in the light of Dr. Elles9s conclusions, which had differed materially from those expressed by the author. This was not accomplished until the summer of 1939. The investigation was originally pursued while the writer held a Carnegie Research Scholarship at Glasgow University. The rocks of the three areas, exclusive of dykes and superficial deposits, consist of sedimentary and igneous schists of Dalradian age. The sediments are grouped according to E. B. Bailey9s classification as follows, in descending order both of age and superposition:— Of these formational names, three—Ardrishaig, Loch Avich, and Shira—are taken from parts of the Loch Awe district outside the scope of the present paper. The igneous rocks are grouped under the broad heading epidiorite. Lavas and breccias are strongly developed in the Tayvallich Group, and also in the lower part of the Loch Avich

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