
Google Maps is one of the popular location selection systems. One of the popular features of Google Maps is nearby search. For example, someone who wants to find the closest restaurants to his location can use the nearby search feature. This feature only considers one specific location in providing the desired place choice. In a real-world situation, there may be a need to consider more than one location in selecting the desired place. Assume someone would like to choose a hotel close to the conference hall, the museum, beach, and souvenir store. In this situation, nearby search feature in Google Maps may not be able to suggest a list of hotels that are interesting for him based on the distance from each destination places. In this paper, we have successfully developed a web-based application of Google Maps search using Voronoi-based Spatial Skyline (VS2) algorithm to choose some Point Of Interest (POI) from Google Maps as their considered locations to select desired place. We used Google Maps API to provide POI information for our web-based application. The experiment result showed that the execution time increases while the number of considered location increases.

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