
The stilbenedisulfonate inhibitory site of the human erythrocyte anion-exchange system has been characterized by using serveral fluorescent stilbenedisulfonates. The covalent inhibitor 4-benzamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (BIDS) reacts specifically with the band 3 protein of the plasma membrane when added to intact erythrocytes, and the reversible inhibitors 4,4'-dibenzamidostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (DBDS) and 4-benzamido-4'-aminostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (BADS) show a fluorescence enhancement upon binding to the inhibitory site on erythrocyte ghosts. The fluorescence properties of all three bound probes indicate a rigid, hydrophobic site with nearby tryptophan residues. The Triton X-100 solublized and purified band 3 protein has similar affinities for DBDS, BADS, and 4,4'-dinitrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (DNDS) to those observed on intact erythrocytes and erythrocyte ghosts, showing that the anion binding site is not perturbed by the solubilization procedure. The distance between the stilbenedisulfonate binding site and a group of cysteine residues on the 40 000-dalton amino-terminal cytoplasmic domain of band 3 was measured by the fluorescence resonance energy transfer technique. Four different fluorescent sulfhydryl reagents were used as either energy transfer donors or energy transfer acceptors in combination with the stilbenedisulfonates (BIDS, DBDS, BADS, and DNDS). Efficiencies of transfer were measured by sensitized emisssion, donor quenching, and donor lifetime changes. Although these sites are approachable from opposite sides of the membrane by impermeant reagents, they are separated by only 34--42 A, indicating that the anion binding site is located in a protein cleft which extends some distance into the membrane.

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