
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) demand reliable and energy efficient paths for critical information delivery to sink node from an event occurrence node. Multipath routing facilitates reliable data delivery in case of critical information. This paper proposes an event triggered multipath routing in WSNs by employing a set of static and mobile agents. Every sensor node is assumed to know the location information of the sink node and itself. The proposed scheme works as follows: (1) Event node computes the arbitrary midpoint between an event node and the sink node by using location information. (2) Event node establishes a shortest path from itself to the sink node through the reference axis by using a mobile agent with the help of location information; the mobile agent collects the connectivity information and other parameters of all the nodes on the way and provides the information to the sink node. (3) Event node finds the arbitrary location of the special (middle) intermediate nodes (above/below reference axis) by using the midpoint location information given in step 1. (4) Mobile agent clones from the event node and the clones carry the event type and discover the path passing through special intermediate nodes; the path above/below reference axis looks like an arc. While migrating from one sensor node to another along the traversed path, each mobile agent gathers the node information (such as node id, location information, residual energy, available bandwidth, and neighbors connectivity) and delivers to the sink node. (5) The sink node constructs a partial topology, connecting event and sink node by using the connectivity information delivered by the mobile agents. Using the partial topology information, sink node finds the multipath and path weight factor by using link efficiency, energy ratio, and hop distance. (6) The sink node selects the number of paths among the available paths based upon the criticalness of an event, and (7) if the event is non-critical, then single path with highest path weight factor is selected, else multiple paths are selected for the reliable communication. The performance of the proposed scheme is tested in terms of performance parameters such as packet delivery ratio, energy consumption, latency, and overhead.

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