
Stratigraphic traps of pinch-out type may perform prolific petroleum locations in Iraq. Reconnaissance of their expected locations, depth, and geometry was the main task of the paper. New suggested and developed method is proposed to determine the sequence of sedimentary cycles of the stratigraphic trap. The methods of gradient and absolute second horizontal gradient gives remarkable criteria to distinguish the location of pinch-out structure even more reliable from that the analytical signal. Mathematical concept of the used method is presented in details and tested using a new designed programmed Excel Separate Sheet. A new concept for constrain modeling is used to determine the exact geometry of the pinch-out structure. Many suggested profiles across the Mesopotamian flank and inside the Mesopotamia are taken as expected locations for the stratigraphic traps. The method could determine also the sequence locations of the sedimentary cycles for the pinch-out structure. The reconnaissance results of this study may guide the seismic exploration and confirm their interpretations and give new sense for interpreting the gravity data.

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