
A spatially homogeneous locally-rotationally-symmetric (LRS) Bianchi type-V cosmological model is considered with a perfect fluid in general relativity. We present two types of cosmologies (power-law and exponential forms) by using a law of variation for the mean Hubble parameter that yields a constant value for the deceleration parameter. We discuss the physical properties of the non-flat and flat models in each cosmology. Exact solutions that correspond to singular and non-singular models are presented. In a generic situation, models can be interpolated between different phases of the Universe. We find that a constant value for the deceleration parameter is reasonable for a description of different phases of the Universe. We arrive at the conclusion that the Universe decelerates when the value of the deceleration parameter is positive whereas it accelerates when the value is negative. The dynamical behaviours of the solutions and kinematical parameters like expansion, shear and the anisotropy parameter are discussed in detail in each section. Exact expressions for look-back time, luminosity distance and event horizon vs. redshift are derived and their significances are discussed in some detail. It has been observed that the solutions are compatible with the results of recent observations.

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