
Traditional ab initio electronic structure calculations of periodic systems yield delocalized eigenstates that should be understood as adiabatic states. For example, excitons are bands of extended states which superimpose localized excitations on every lattice site. However, in general, in order to study the effects of nuclear motion on exciton transport, it is standard to work with a localized description of excitons, especially in a hopping regime; even in a band regime, a localized description can be helpful. To extract localized excitons from a band requires essentially a diabatization procedure. In this paper, three distinct methods are proposed for such localized diabatization: (i) a simple projection method, (ii) a more general Pipek-Mezey localization scheme, and (iii) a variant of Boys diabatization. Approaches (i) and (ii) require localized, single-particle Wannier orbitals, while approach (iii) has no such dependence. These methods should be very useful for studying energy transfer through solids with ab initio calculations.

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