
We analyzed the nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) of thirteen bats from genera Phyllostomus, Phylloderma, Trachops, Tonatia, Sturnira, Platyrrhinus, Artibeus and Glossophaga. We used silver staining and FISH with rDNA probe. Nine species had only one Ag-NOR-bearing chromosome pair. Artibeus lituratus, A. jamaicensis and A. fimbriatus presented multiple Ag-NORs located in the short arms of pairs 5, 6 and 7, and an additional mark in the long arm of one chromosome 5 in A. fimbriatus. Artibeus cinereus showed Ag-NORs in the chromosome pairs 10 and 13. The chromosomal location of rRNA genes using FISH agreed with the number and position of NORs in all but one species. In A. cinereus the hybridization signals were seen in three chromosome pairs 9, 10 and 13. This suggests the occurrence of silent NORs in pair 9. Differences in the size and intensity of the hybridization signals were also observed in the pair 9 of A. cinereus.

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