
Migraine is a debilitating disorder characterized by severe headaches and associated neurological symptoms. A key challenge to understanding migraine has been the cellular complexity of the human brain and the multiple cell types implicated in its pathophysiology. The present study leverages recent advances in single-cell transcriptomics to localize the specific human brain cell types in which putative migraine susceptibility genes are expressed. The cell-type specific expression of both familial and common migraine-associated genes was determined bioinformatically using data from 2,039 individual human brain cells across two published single-cell RNA sequencing datasets. Enrichment of migraine-associated genes was determined for each brain cell type. Analysis of single-brain cell RNA sequencing data from five major subtypes of cells in the human cortex (neurons, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, microglia, and endothelial cells) indicates that over 40% of known migraine-associated genes are enriched in the expression profiles of a specific brain cell type. Further analysis of neuronal migraine-associated genes demonstrated that approximately 70% were significantly enriched in inhibitory neurons and 30% in excitatory neurons. This study takes the next step in understanding the human brain cell types in which putative migraine susceptibility genes are expressed. Both familial and common migraine may arise from dysfunction of discrete cell types within the neurovascular unit, and localization of the affected cell type(s) in an individual patient may provide insight into to their susceptibility to migraine.

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