
An antiserum against an achetakinin analog selectively localized leucokinin VIII (LKVIII) in the CNS of Leucophaea maderae. Preabsorption studies of the achetakinin antiserum with either preimmune serum or LKVIII prevented a positive reaction in both ELISA and immunocytochemical procedures. LKVIII immunoreactive neurons were found in the brain, frontal, and subesophageal ganglion, all 3 thoracic ganglia and the terminal ganglion. Nerves originating from the thoracic and terminal abdominal ganglia contain LKVIII material. Lateral and medial neurosecretory cells synthesizing LKVIII-like products contribute axons to the nervi corporis cardiaci that terminate in neurohemal sites in the corpora cardiaca and nervi corporis allati. Thus, leucokinin VIII, like leucokinin I (LKI) and leucomyosuppressin (LMS), appears to have both a neurohemal and neurotransmitter mode of regulating target cells in L. maderae.

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