
Cells of the immune system produce a variety of neuropeptides or peptide hormones, either constitutively or upon induction, and possess specific neuropeptide receptors that display ligand-receptor interactions similar to those described in the central nervous system (CNS). These findings suggest that specific subsets of lymphoid cells can produce and respond to peptides previously thought to be principally neural mediators. Recently, corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) mRNA was detected in the rat thymus and spleen, although the cells that synthesize CRF were not identified. We examined the localization of CRF and its mRNA in the rat spleen, thymus, and mesenteric lymph nodes using immunocytochemistry (ICC) andin situhybridization (ISH), respectively. Immunoreactive CRF was present in cells in the marginal zone and red pulp of the spleen, in connective tissue septa and the subcapsular region of the thymus, and in the medullary cords and sinuses of the mesenteric lymph nodes. Dual ICC/ISH for CRF and its mRNA, respectively, demonstrated CRF mRNA over CRF-immunoreactive cells, suggesting CRF synthesis. Double-label ICC for CRF and markers for specific immunocyte subsets suggest that CRF+cells in the spleen and thymus are macrophages. CRF+cells in primary and secondary lymphoid organs reside in compartments that are innervated by sympathetic nerves, and some cells appear to be contacted by noradrenergic sympathetic nerve fibers, suggesting that CRF release may be influenced by the sympathetic nervous system, as it is in the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. The presence of CRF in organs of the immune system suggests that this neuropeptide may modulate immune functions after paracrine release.

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