
Potassium pyroantimonate-osmium tetroxide cytochemistry has been used to study the distribution of ionic calcium in hamster tooth germs during cell differentiation and during early dentinogenesis and amelogenesis. Before the onset of mineralization, pyroantimonate (PA) reaction product was found in the nucleus of differentiating preameloblasts and preodontoblasts. In the predentin, it was preferentially located along striated collagen fibrils, lying perpendicular to the basal lamina. At the onset of mineralization, a pronounced increase of PA reaction product was evident in the predentin and on the plasma membrane and in mitochondria of both preodontoblasts and preameloblasts opposite the mineralizing mantle dentin. During early enamel mineralization, PA reaction product was present in the "growing" crystal ends, while in the secretory ameloblasts, most of the PA reaction product was localized on the cytoplasmic side of the apical plasma membranes and in mitochondria. When Tomes' processes developed, PA reaction product, both cytoplasmic and membrane bound, was low or absent deep in the processes, but gradually increased toward the apical terminal web. A corresponding gradient of PA reaction product was observed on the opposing enamel crystallites. From this study we conclude that both preodontoblasts and preameloblasts seem to be involved in calcium acquisition necessary for the early stages of mantle dentin mineralization. Tomes' processes seem to regulate the entry of calcium into the enamel mineralization front.

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