
Stroke is one of the most complex diseases, with several subtypes, as well as secondary risk factors, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes, which, in turn, have genetic and environmental risk factors of their own. Here, we report the results of a genomewide search for susceptibility genes for the common forms of stroke. We cross-matched a population-based list of patients with stroke in Iceland with an extensive computerized genealogy database clustering 476 patients with stroke within 179 extended pedigrees. Linkage to 5q12 was detected, and the LOD score at this locus meets the criteria for genomewide significance (multipoint allele-sharing LOD score of 4.40, P=3.9 x 10(-6)). A 20-cM region on 5q was physically and genetically mapped to obtain accurate marker order and intermarker distances. This locus on 5q12, which we have designated as "STRK1," does not correspond to known susceptibility loci for stroke or for its risk factors and represents the first mapping of a locus for common stroke.

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