
Let G be a finite extension of a torus. Working with highly structured ring and module spectra, let M be any module over MU ; examples include all of the standard homotopical MU -modules, such as the Brown-Peterson and Morava K-theory spectra. We shall prove localization and completion theorems for the computation of M∗(BG) and M∗(BG). The G-spectrum MUG that represents stabilized equivariant complex cobordism is an algebra over the equivariant sphere spectrum SG, and there is an MUG-module MG whose underlying MU -module is M . This allows the use of topological analogues of constructions in commutative algebra. The computation ofM∗(BG) andM∗(BG) is expressed in terms of spectral sequences whose respective E2 terms are computable in terms of local cohomology and local homology groups that are constructed from the coefficient ring MU ∗ and its module M ∗ . The central feature of the proof is a new norm map in equivariant stable homotopy theory, the construction of which involves the new concept of a global I∗-functor with smash product.

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