
Nature tourism can also act as one of the drivers of regional development and can be a window for efforts to introduce the potential of natural resources, values and culture owned by a country or a region. Therefore, the development of natural tourism is required to be able to mix forms of natural tourism that are attractive but unique and cover all aspects of locality in it. The purpose of this study was to examine the potential of local wisdom owned by the community around the forest and the implementation of local wisdom in the development of natural tourism along the outer ring of Lake Toba on the Merek Section. This research method is a form of descriptive qualitative research with information and data from various representative sources. The results of the study indicate that existing local wisdom includes wisdom that is tangible (textual, buildings, and objects of cultural heritage) and intangible (advice delivered orally and is passed down from generation to generation, and chanting or poetry that has traditional teaching values). These wise values are found in various sources such as the traditional house of the Karo Tribe in the Dokan Cultural Village, the Penusur Sira Ritual and the Joroh Joroh tourist attraction. The forms of implementation of local wisdom in the development of nature tourism include the application of an attitude of togetherness (mutual cooperation), kinship, courtesy, hospitality, concern for others, harmony with nature, problem solving system, active work, obedient to people and leaders, educational culture, conservation culture, concern for the environment, and values related to a culture of healthy living in the management of nature tourism.

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