
This study aims to identify and analyze forms of local wisdom in development, to describe and analyze factors that support local wisdom in development, and to describe and analyze the use and use of social capital in the development of Leupung Baleu Village in Kuta District Cot Glie, Aceh Besar District. Analysis techniques using qualitative analysis. The results of the analysis show that the form of local wisdom in the construction of the Leupung Baleu Village, Kuta Cot Glie Subdistrict, Aceh Besar Regency, includes collaboration among residents which has been going well for generations, as well as strong participation in village development, as well as always prioritizing the deliberations especially in village activities as part of local wisdom. The process of forming values in the community through cooperation, participation which is used as a habit can produce high trust in the community, and the spirit for charity in carrying out development and various community activities as well as a sense of volunteerism that arouses self-reliance, civil involvement or builds strong participation a sense of social solidarity in society. Factors that support local wisdom in the construction of the Leupung Baleu Village, Kuta Cot Glie Subdistrict, Aceh Besar Regency consist of traditional and religious institutions. Enculturation of local wisdom values is carried out in the interaction of traditional institutions, religious institutions and government institutions both individually and in groups. The use of social capital in the construction of the Leupung Baleu Village, Kuta Cot Glie Subdistrict, Aceh Besar District consists of truss, social networks and social norms. Social capital owned by members of the Leupung Baleu Gampong community in Aceh Besar District in the development of social capital based trust, social networks and social norms is still strong enough to support development, and social institutions are still strong enough to create a conducive atmosphere for the community. The strong social capital owned by the Leupung Baleu Gampong community is caused by a strong social base, as well as the orientation and historical dimensions of the formation of values and norms, because of the similarities in religion, profession, ideas / interests and kinship.

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