
KLEINMAN M. and WHITEHEAD C. M. E. (1987) Local variations in the sale of council houses in England, 1979–1984, Reg. Studies 21, 1–11. The ‘received view’ about council house sales suggests that spatial variations in the level of sales will be very closely linked to variations in household and dwelling characteristics and to the political control of the local authority. In this paper, an assessment is made, using correlation and regression analyses, of the adequacy of the received view in explaining observed variations in sale rates between English local authority districts. Results suggest that greater importance should be given to the influence of local private housing market factors. Finally, the implications of these findings both for government housing policy and for theories about the residualization of council housing are discussed. KLEINMAN M. et WHITEHEAD C. M. E. (1987) Variations locales dans la vente des habitations a loyer modere en Angleterre de 1979 a 1984, Reg. Studies 21, 1–11. L'avis rec...

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