
We consider a finite algebra A over a commutative ring R. It is assumed that R is an algebra over the ground field k and that a cocommutative Hopf algebra H acts on R and A in a compatible way. This paper answers the question as to when it is possible to find a ring extension R→R′ such that the R′-algebra A⊗RR′ is isomorphic with A0⊗kR′ for some k-algebra A0 and the ring R′⊗RR픭 is faithfully flat over the local ring R픭 either for a single prime ideal 픭 of R containing no H-stable ideals of R or for all such primes. If k is algebraically closed, it is shown that A has isomorphic reductions modulo any pair of maximal ideals of R with residue field k containing the same H-stable ideals of R.

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