
Thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) of ceramics having the structure of eulytine Bi4X3O12 (X = Si, Ge, Zr) on exposure to x-ray irradiation in the temperature region 80–400 K is studied. An analysis of the forms of the TSL curves implies that the recombination processes in the TSL peaks at 149 and 212 K in Bi4Si3O12 ceramics and at 143 and 230 K in Bi4Ge3O12 ceramics can be described by the linear kinetics. The spectral composition of TSL of the ceramics obtained is investigated, and the activation energy and frequency factors which correspond to the TSL maxima are determined by various methods. Based on common spectral and energy characteristics of TSL, a conclusion concerning the connection of TSL with recombination processes in common structural complexes of BiO69− is drawn.

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