
We use a local argument to prove if an $r$-dimensional torus acts isometrically and effectively on a connected $n$-dimensional manifold which has positive $k^\mathrm{th}$-intermediate Ricci curvature at some point, then $r \leq \lfloor \frac{n+k}{2} \rfloor$. This symmetry rank bound generalizes those established by Grove and Searle for positive sectional curvature and Wilking for quasipositive curvature. As a consequence, we show that the symmetry rank bound in the Maximal Symmetry Rank Conjecture for manifolds of non-negative sectional curvature holds for those which also have positive intermediate Ricci curvature at some point. In the process of proving our symmetry rank bound, we also obtain an optimal dimensional restriction on isometric immersions of manifolds with non-positive intermediate Ricci curvature into manifolds with positive intermediate Ricci curvature, generalizing a result by Otsuki.

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