
Solomon and Elkin [10] constructed a shortcutting scheme for weighted trees which results in a 1-spanner for the tree metric induced by the input tree. The spanner has logarithmic lightness, logarithmic diameter, a linear number of edges and bounded degree (provided the input tree has bounded degree). This spanner has been applied in a series of papers devoted to designing bounded degree, low-diameter, low-weight \((1+\epsilon )\)-spanners in Euclidean and doubling metrics. In this paper, we present a simple local routing algorithm for this tree metric spanner. The algorithm has a routing ratio of 1, is guaranteed to terminate after \(O(\log n)\) hops and requires \(O(\varDelta \log n)\) bits of storage per vertex where \(\varDelta \) is the maximum degree of the tree on which the spanner is constructed.

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