
C. A. Bayly is the single most influential scholar in the field of Indian history in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. His work is accessible to Spanish-speaking readers thanks to El nacimiento del mundo moderno, 1780‒1914: Conexiones y comparaciones globales (2010), the Spanish translation of The Birth of the Modern World, 1780‒1914: Global Connections and Comparisons (2004). This book, his only contribution that has been translated into Spanish, is the work for which he is best known in Latin America and Spain. The volume, however, represents a single chapter in a long career of contributions to the historiography of colonial India, the British Empire, and global history. The aim of this article is to examine C. A. Bayly’s intellectual production as a whole for a non-specialist Spanish-speaking audience, highlighting the links he established between colonial India, the British Empire, and the rest of the world.


  • His work is accessible to Spanish-speaking readers thanks to El nacimiento del mundo moderno, 1780‒1914: Conexiones y comparaciones globales (2010), the Spanish translation of The Birth of the Modern World, 1780‒1914: Global Connections and Comparisons (2004)

  • Bayly’s intellectual production as a whole for a non-specialist Spanish-speaking audience, highlighting the links he established between colonial India, the British Empire, and the rest of the world

  • Fradera y José María Portillo) del libro Unexpected Voices in Imperial Parliaments (Londres: Bloomsbury, 2021) y autora de diversos capítulos sobre la India colonial, entre los que destacan “The Raj’s uncanny other: Indirect rule and the princely states”, en Routledge Handbook of the History of Colonialism in South Asia

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A. Bayly para un público hispanohablante y no especialista, destacando los vínculos que establece entre la India colonial, el Imperio británico y el resto del mundo. Los profundos cambios globales del momento empujaron a las universidades británicas a preocuparse por entender el resto del mundo y, a su vez, el sitio que la Gran Bretaña como imperio en vías de desmantelamiento ocupaba en él.

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