
Mangrove forest in Indonesia one of which is located in West Tanjung Jabung District Kuala Tungkal Jambi Province is the ecosystem of mangrove Pangkal Babu. This ecosystem is one of the local potentials of this area. Many mangrove ecosystem provide benefits. The many benefits of this mangrove ecosystem cause the ecosystem to suffer damage so there is an effort to overcome it. The solution is a local potential based education. Local potential based education is an education based on the surrounding environment so it can create more meaningful learning. Biology is a subject that can be developed to improve environmental knowledge and a good attitude for the environment. The method used is an exploratory descriptive method with data retrieval techniques in the form of interviews and observations. Data processing techniques carried out descriptively. These results are seen from the condition of abiotic, biotic, adaptation, and interaction. Observed abiotic conditions are temperature, salinity, pH, and DO/dissolved oxygen. The abiotic condition found 19 species of mangrove plants and several types of animals. This local potential can be used as a source of learning biology, especially on ecosystem material.

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