
We give a group theoretic definition of “local models” as sought after in the theory of Shimura varieties. These are projective schemes over the integers of a p-adic local field that are expected to model the singularities of integral models of Shimura varieties with parahoric level structure. Our local models are certain mixed characteristic degenerations of Grassmannian varieties; they are obtained by extending constructions of Beilinson, Drinfeld, Gaitsgory and the second-named author to mixed characteristics and to the case of general (tamely ramified) reductive groups. We study the singularities of local models and hence also of the corresponding integral models of Shimura varieties. In particular, we study the monodromy (inertia) action and show a commutativity property for the sheaves of nearby cycles. As a result, we prove a conjecture of Kottwitz which asserts that the semi-simple trace of Frobenius on the nearby cycles gives a function which is central in the parahoric Hecke algebra.

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