
Let $G/P$ be a rational homogeneous space (not necessarily irreducible) and $x_0\in G/P$ be the point at which the isotropy group is $P$. The $G$-translates of the orbit $Qx_0$ of a parabolic subgroup $Q\subsetneq G$ such that $P\cap Q$ is parabolic are called $Q$-cycles. We established an extension theorem for local biholomorphisms on $G/P$ that map local pieces of $Q$-cycles into $Q$-cycles. We showed that such maps extend to global biholomorphisms of $G/P$ if $G/P$ is $Q$-cycle-connected, or equivalently, if there does not exist a non-trivial parabolic subgroup containing $P$ and $Q$. Then we applied this to the study of local biholomorphisms preserving the real group orbits on $G/P$ and showed that such a map extend to a global biholomorphism if the real group orbit admits a non-trivial holomorphic cover by the $Q$-cycles. The non-closed boundary orbits of a bounded symmetric domain embedded in its compact dual are examples of such real group orbits. Finally, using the results of Mok-Zhang on Schubert rigidity, we also established a Cartan-Fubini type extension theorem pertaining to $Q$-cycles, saying that if a local biholomorphism preserves the variety of tangent spaces of $Q$-cycles, then it extends to a global biholomorphism when the $Q$-cycles are positive dimensional and $G/P$ is of Picard number 1. This generalizes a well-known theorem of Hwang-Mok on minimal rational curves.

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