
itting cultural values, norms, ideals, forms of reproduction of the national-cultural world, and promote theformation of interethnic tolerant relations. Local history as a component of humanitarian historical educationcontributes to the activation of the creative potential of students, opens diverse opportunities for them, createsconditions for personal and social interests, and cultivates civic competencies.The authors of the article make an attempt to summarize the existing experience of domestic local historystudies, to analyze the main directions of studies and research methods, as well as to reveal the possibilities oflocal history in the process of activating the creative potential of students, especially students of history.While training future specialists in history, the disciplines of local history play a significant role. Theirimplementation is not only one of the stages of theoretical training of students, but also the result of practical orientation when preparing for practical classes, while doing independent creative activity, individual, andresearch work, as well as during students’ industrial and pedagogical internships.The discipline "Local history" plays a crucial role in this process. The study of the history of the native landis transformed from a methodological approach into a general pedagogical principle and creates a basis for theformation of deep professional knowledge, historical thinking, promotes creative understanding of the experiencegained by local historians from different regions of Ukraine.The use of local history materials in teaching historical disciplines and practical application of the acquiredknowledge about the native land provide ample opportunities to increase the interest of history students in thecultural and historical heritage of the Ukrainian people, activate their creative potential, broaden the worldviewand enhance the national dignity of the young.

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