
This study aimed to describe the shape of local government actions in tackling illegal fishing in Aceh, the handling of illegal fishing destructive fishery resources. The fundamental point is Law No. 45 Year 2009 concerning fisheries. This spesification of this research descriptive analysis, used both normative juridical approach and empirical. The results showed that the local government has made an effort preventive and repressive in the case of illegal fishing. To coordinate with relevant agencies and empower the role of traditional institutions of the sea to assist the role of government and law enforcement.Local governments should improve the coordination and supervision of the marine area, to monitor and evaluate the performance of local authorities in applying the law against this illegal fishing case.Keywords: Illegal, Local Government, and Fishing.


  • Indonesia as the world's largest archipelago nation considers the important of classical issues that are often encountered by many coastal States such as the problem of Illegal Fishing, so the issue becomes one of the focus of the Central Government in tackling the problems that hampered the progress of nation-building

  • This study aimed to describe the shape of local government actions in tackling illegal fishing in Aceh, the handling of illegal fishing destructive fishery resources

  • The results showed that the local government has made an effort preventive and repressive in the case of illegal fishing

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Indonesia as the world's largest archipelago nation considers the important of classical issues that are often encountered by many coastal States such as the problem of Illegal Fishing, so the issue becomes one of the focus of the Central Government in tackling the problems that hampered the progress of nation-building. Illegal fishing itself is a matter that has been around since the early inception of theory claims over the open sea and the close sea, until the birth of the modern international law of the sea at this time. Indonesia in addition to losses resulting from fishing illegally or Illegal Fishing, as recorded in the data World Food Agency or FAO, Indonesia has recorded losses every year due to the Illegal Fishing of Rp 30 trillion. Litabmas/II/2015, February 5, 2015. 1 See on Johanis Leatemia, “Pengaturan Hukum Daerah Kepulauan”, Jurnal Mimbar Hukum, Vol 23 No 3, Oktober 2011, Yogyakarta: Faculty of Law, Uniuversitas Gadjah Mada; Melly Aida, “Penanggulangan Penangkapan ikan Secara Tidak Sah (Illagal Fishing) Oleh kapal Ikan Asing di Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif Indonesia”, Fiat Justitia, Vol 5 No 2, May-August 2012, Lampung: Universitas Lampung

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