
The issues related to local food systems and their wider social, cultural, economic and environmental implications have flourished amongst scholars and policymakers over the last decades. The hypothesis of study, which this paper is based upon, is that local (alternative) agrifood or food systems will be a suitable tool for further development of sustainable agrifood sector, as well as development of rural communities and rural areas. The tasks of study are: to clarify the concept of local food systems; to investigate the food system relationship with further sustainable development of rural communities; and to review initiatives and activities for developing the local food systems in Latvia. The used research methods are mainly qualitative: analysis and synthesis, logical and abstract constructive and expert, etc. Although there is no consensus among scholars regarding the definition of the local food system, nevertheless, the local food systems or alternative food networks are no less important and suitable tool for solving environmental, economical (farmers’ and rural inhabitants’ income increasing) and social issues, and they facilitate further sustainable development of rural areas and communities. Some activities and projects as examples of development and implementation of local food systems in Latvia are explained and results of projects’ implementation are given, for example: Project “Local Identity Product” Project „Local Products Development in Middle Baltics”; Project “Marketing Campaign for Development of Rural Tourism Products in all Regions of Latvia and their Promotion” etc.

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