
In this paper we consider the local existence to the Cauchy problem for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with power nonlinearities (*) { i∂tu+12Δu=N(u,∇u,u¯,∇u¯),(t,x)∈R×Rn,u(0,x)=u0(x), x∈Rn, where n≥2 and N=N(u,w,u¯,w¯)=∑l0≤α+β+γ≤l1λαβγuα1u¯α2∏j=1n(wj)βj∏k=1n(w¯k)γk With w=(wj)1≤j≤n,λαβγ∈C,l0∈N,l1,l0≥2. Classical energy method is useful to show local existence in time of solutions to (*) when ∂wN is pure imaginary (see, [10, 14-16]), and in this case it is known that there exists a unique solution if u0∈H[ n2 ]+3,0 (see [10]), where Hm,s={f∈L2;‖ f ‖m,s=‖ (1+|x|2)s/2(1−Δ)m2f ‖L2<∞}. However, if ∂wN is not pure imaginary, there are only a few results [2,12,13] that require higher order Sobolev spaces compared with [10, 14-16] because the classical energy method does not work for the problem. Our purpose in this paper is to show local existence in time of solutions to RR :A,Г→B□A,□Г→□B in the weighted Sobolev space H[ n2 ]+6,0∩​H[ n2 ]+3,2 without any size restriction on the data. Our function spaces are more natural than those used in [2,12,13].

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