
Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) grown CoFe/MnIr (001) epitaxial bilayers were microfabricated by electron beam (EB) lithography and Ar+ ion etching, and their local exchange biasing was studied by using a magnetic force microscopy. The circular patterned CoFe/MnIr annealed applying a magnetic field Ha parallel to [100] direction was found to show significant distribution of the direction of exchange bias from [100] direction: the mean direction of the exchange bias. On the other hand, when the CoFe/MnIr was annealed applying a field Ha // [110], the distribution of the exchange bias direction was found to be quite narrow, and almost all the circular patterns exhibit the exchange bias parallel to [110] direction. These results suggest that the local exchange anisotropy is controlled by the applied field direction during the annealing relative to the crystallographic axis of antiferromagnetic MnIr.

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