
ABSTRACT The effects of discretization and local equilibrium on the prediction of scalar dissipation rates are investigated by performing large-eddy simulation (LES) of a turbulent-piloted jet diffusion flame, Sandia Flame D. As a way to reduce the discretization errors on the prediction of scalar dissipation, an approach to use a higher-order finite difference scheme only for the evaluation of scalar gradients in a scalar dissipation model, while keeping the overall accuracy of the numerical method at second order, is investigated. Results indicate that the fourth-order scheme improves the accuracy with negligible addition to computational cost. With the improved evaluation of scalar gradients, the local equilibrium assumption, which is used in the algebraic model, is investigated by solving the subgrid-scale variance transport equation, where a model coefficient in a scaling-based relaxation model for subgrid-scale scalar dissipation is varied. It is found that the conditional mean scalar dissipation rates are insensitive to the model coefficient. This insensitivity is attributed to the prevalence of local equilibrium. A rapid decay of imbalance between production and dissipation of subgrid-scale scalar fluctuations is seen in both the predicted scalar dissipation and the transport budget in the variance equation. It is argued that since, at high Reynolds numbers, the transport of the scalar fluctuations occurs over a timescale larger than the subgrid-scale mixing timescale, its contribution to the evolution of subgrid-scale variance is statistically insignificant except near the nozzle exit where different streams begin to mix and scalar layers evolve rapidly. Consequently, the conditional (and unconditional) mean scalar dissipation rates in LES tend to depend solely on the production of subgrid-scale scalar fluctuations in most regions of turbulent jet flames, when the modeling is based on the Kolmogorov scaling.

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