
Global climate change implies difficulties for coastal communities where activities are highly influenced by climate. This paper examines the case of seaweed harvesting in the community of Pisco-Pera. Aspects of environmental change that impact seaweed harvesting include global warming, “El Nino” events, pollution of marine space, declines of marine species, and the rupture of ecological cycles. We look for relationships between local ecological knowledge (LEK) related to climate and other environmental change and strategies for coping with and adapting to current and anticipated change. This project is developed through a participative methodology, with the participation of university researchers and the community of seaweed extractors, and builds on an ongoing study of collaborative approaches to research and development of the algae industry in this region. Research questions include: the nature of the LEK held and shared; the extent to which LEK includes: the effects of climate changes on resources, harvesting and communities; and the contribution of LEK to industry resilience, harvester livelihoods and community well-being. The results of the research provide insight into LEK accumulation about algae species, management, and impacts of global environmental change. Documenting methods of collecting, analyzing and sharing harvester knowledge is an additional contribution.

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